2007年7月10日 星期二

Pls Help !!! The Pitiful Cats in Shanghai China~!!!



The following story is what I was told happening in China. As a cat lover, I hope you can let public know this terrible tragedy and then the cats might get some help.

840 kitties were struggling for survive!

Animal protectors at Shanghai, China stopped a truck on July 6, 2007. Forty two cages, each of which has about 20 cats and kittens inside, were found in the truck. Some cats were dead and some were dying. These cats were selling to restaurants at Guangdong province, China, as meals. Some of the cats still have collar with them and should have been somebody's beloved pets.

The police there said they had no right to save these cats, so animal protectors have to buy these cats themselves. All the local news also refused to report this story.

For more details and photos, please see:
http://www.bababian.com/photo /A5A54FF84C0DB5D0FA7DADB0D99B5B 6CUR
Sina News: http://bbs.book.sina.com.cn/?h=/g_forum/00/09/00/view.php%3Ffid%3D191994%26tbid%3D1584&g=2&n=1

Eevery day there will be trcuks to send those poor cats to Guangdong province and be killed!

Please help these poor kitties. You do have power to save hundreds of lives. Thanks very much!

8 則留言:

  1. 慘......................喵

  2. 沒有中國政府的幫助, 不止貓狗, 人也一樣, 沒有基本權利, 生命如草芥, 食貓食狗, 視若平常, 還認為是合理的, 否則會反駁你們都吃豬牛羊雞鴨等等又如何? 還不過是十步笑百步? 在不文明的社會心態下, 如何教育到人們認識尊重生命, 是何等艱辛, 除非由上一代教育下一代, 一直延續下去.....

  3. 睇到佢地那無助嘅眼神,心中極寒,此情此景,何時休止 ???

  4. 真係好慘呀…

  5. 大妹子啊! 你的訊息......通常令我很心up的啊!

  6.  真係要快 d 睇下 blog 友 YELLOW bus  個網址,特別要睇 " 討回公道 ", " blog 留言 "  和 " 你地要幫我呀 ! 我隻 cally 死得好慘 " ............好心痛好心痛,唔希望再有狗狗有咁嘅下場

  7. Roxy the Cat、Bear bear  : 係囉d人咁多野唔食,係要食埋d貓貓狗狗,珍異獸呀!唉...生於此地方既動物真係“好慘好慘”呀!!! 安娜 :  嗯,在中國莫講話食貓狗文化,就年人既生命都唔係d乜野黎... 唔好咁Sad喇^^o.k 我就出D開心既Post出黎啦...heehe 怪怪唷  :  其中有張相係一隻貓貓伸出小手叫你救佢出黎!唉...希望未來他們會有更多宣揚愛護動物既保育行動,不過相信這段時間會好慢長!

  8. 5555.好可憐啊~~d貓貓.
