生仔??搬屋??? 棄養總要作個理由既(視)
這不是什麼可憐故事,也不是什麼驚天動地的原因不能養牠,只是 Lucky 的主人生仔搬屋不能再養牠,但為了這小朋友我們幫忙POST出牠的領養。一頭由細到大也從沒經過風浪的小朋友,請你給牠永遠的家。
That's not a good story and adopter hasn’t keep a good reason why cannot care lucky, because adopter only have baby and removal to new home. Anyway we would be help and find new home for lucky. Could you give a good home for lucky?
姓名 Name : Lucky
品種 Breed: 金毛, Golden Retriever
年齡 Age: 2 歲左右, 2 years old
性別 Sex: 仔仔, Boy
曾經注射疫苗 Has injected the vaccine: 瘋狗針,防疫針, Rabies Vaccie, prophylactic inoculation.
註 Remark: 有晶片, Have chip.
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